A GREATER LUST: Addicted to Purity in a Pornographic World
We live in a pornographic world.
Day after day, sexually alluring images seize the eyes and assault the male brain at every turn. Presently, 70% of men in the church admit to struggling with pornography in their daily lives.
Is there any hope for those who feel like slaves to their desires?
Unquestionably, the answer is a definitive YES! The latest scientific research and time-tested, biblical principles, are inspiring thousands of men with a shockingly hopeful vision of their future - the end of shame and isolation and the beginning of complete freedom.
A Greater Lust 1 - Your Brain on Pornography: Understanding the Lust Cascade
A Greater Lust 2 - The Poisonous Root: Wounded, Deceived, and Intimacy-Starved
A Greater Lust 3 - A Violent Vice: 19th century morals meet 21st century science
A Greater Lust 4 - Look and Live: How Faith Really Works
A Greater Lust 5 - Your Brain off Pornography: Behold I will do a New Thing
A Greater Lust 6 - Your Brain Off Pornography: Behold I will do a new thing pt.2