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We're blessed and honored to have each of you, long time viewers, and newcomers, as a part of this online community. User data is not tracked here! Contact us at 616-238-5058 or [email protected]

  • I Will Not Be Moved: The Coming Crisis, 2025-2030

    4 videos

    In I Will Not Be Moved, we examine:
    - historical cycles,
    - current trends,
    - the signals from the entertainment industry and intelligence outlets,
    - and the announced plans of both the power elite and the occult…

    ...all of which agree and announce: we are now on the edge of imminent and stupen...

  • TECHNOCRACY: What Comes Next?

    11 videos

    For thousands of years a controversy has raged between Satan and Christ over the authority and character of God. "You will be like God... You will not surely die... I will ascend..."

    Where the God of the Bible is a God of freedom and free will, the adversary seeks the opposite - enslavement of b...

  • MEDIA ON THE BRAIN: The 2013 viral series - breaking free from media addiction!

    6 videos

    We see it all around us. Hollywood, popular music, TV, video gaming, spectator sports, e-relationships, and pornography are saturating the lives of God's professed people. But what does the latest science say about the mind-altering effects of 21st century media? And what is the spiritual agenda ...

  • THE MEDIA MIND: Reclaiming the Human Soul in the Digital Dark Age

    6 videos

    As the digital dark age descends upon our 21st century society... What can be done to preserve social life, family unity, thinking abilities, church and spiritual life, mental health, attention span, child development, joy in Christ, interest in the Bible, and individuality?

    Episode 1: How to...

  • 7 Deadly Myths in Christianity

    10 videos

    It has been said that the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist. But as the coming of Jesus approaches, the deceiver's agenda only intensifies. A very real and wily foe is seeking to entrap the masses into his net of deception.

    Satan's deceptions masquerade as light. H...

  • AMERICA'S 11TH HOUR: 400 Years of Providence and Prophecy

    4 videos

    These final four programs, combined with the previous 10 programs in 7 Deadly Myths in Christianity, we have a complete course on the most essential Bible truths for these last days.

    But let's start with some fun in studying American History in the first two sessions of America's 11th Hour! The ...

  • PLANNED 'EUGENOCIDE' - The origin and purpose of the abortion movement...

    1 video

    This single-session history lesson was presented in the fall of 2019 at a convention dedicated to Conscience and Justice. The mostly African American audience responded with great enthusiasm:
    "Scott, this information was mind blowing..."
    "Young man, I hope you realize this information is DANGER...

  • Miscellaneous

    10 videos

  • Scott Ritsema at Little Light Studios

    16 videos

  • RAISING THE REMNANT: Everything you need to know about Christian parenting today

    4 videos

    Over 75,000 parenting books have been published in the last two decades alone - that's nearly 10 books per day! Indeed, opinions on parenting abound, but are there any solid facts to be found?

    Are there any objective data that identify the kind of parenting most likely to produce spiritually s...

  • SCHOOLED: Social engineering to destroy individuality and reduce intelligence

    2 videos

    SCHOOLED: The deliberate agenda to destroy individuality, reduce intelligence, and re-engineer society

    In two fast-paced, eye-opening sessions, Schooled uncovers the true intentions and designs of American schooling. Hear the clear, honest, and jaw-dropping admissions straight from the mouths...

  • UNDOCTRINATED: How home education & schools of the prophets bring the apocalypse

    4 videos

    Over 100 years ago the nefarious purposes behind modern schooling methods were openly proclaimed by the founders of public education in America. The goals were simple: indoctrination and social engineering. Satan's plan to ruin the minds of children was underway.

    But today, these worldly schooli...

  • KIDS' CORNER! Object lessons from the Ritsema kids to the family

    27 videos

    Kids who aren't on social media or YouTube are now posting videos here! :-)

  • YouTube videos ad-free!

    48 videos

  • Belt of Truth LIVE

    11 videos

  • The Video Newsletter

    31 videos

  • A GREATER LUST: Addicted to Purity in a Pornographic World

    6 videos

    We live in a pornographic world.

    Day after day, sexually alluring images seize the eyes and assault the male brain at every turn. Presently, 70% of men in the church admit to struggling with pornography in their daily lives.

    Is there any hope for those who feel like slaves to their desires?...

  • REMNANT RISING (Scott AND Cami Ritsema) - let's upgrade our parenting together.

    3 videos

    The brand new sessions, Grow, Grow, Grow (disc 1) and Together, Together, Together (disc 2), have been called the long-awaited sequel to the popular Raising the Remnant parenting series. These sessions reveal the power of the 'growth mindset' and family togetherness.

  • HOW TO RAISE THE REMNANT: Documentary-stye parenting advice from actual experts!

    5 videos

    Featuring balanced, Christ-centered, and authoritative voices on the parenting topic!

  • SECOND BEAST RISING: 22-parts on global/cultural events and prophecy!

    22 videos

    Recorded in 2016-2017.

    Revelation 13 describes a confederacy of evil that seizes upon an unimaginable global crisis to advance the final controversy of earth’s history. That crisis is just about to break upon the world. Do you understand the nature of the conflict? Do you see the signs emergi...

  • CovidDystopia: Freedom's 11th Hour

    22 videos

    For centuries, students of Bible prophecy have foreseen a future of global totalitarian control the likes of which even the most imaginative dystopic fiction authors have failed to envision.

    That future has now become our present. And that fiction has become our reality. Will the urgency of t...

  • THE CLASSROOM OF THE REMNANT: Presented by Joshua White

    8 videos